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Lessons are one hour long.  Riding time will be anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes.  The rest of the time is spent on general horsemanship topics, such as grooming, horse care, tacking.  We offer lessons year-round in our indoor and outdoor arenas.  The lesson options and pricing are as follows:



  • $60 or $55 each when bought in a 4 pack

  • There is one rider only in a private lesson.


  • $50 or $45 each when bought in a 4 pack

  • There are two riders in a semi-private lesson.


General Lesson Information

  • Lessons not cancelled at least 24 hours before scheduled lesson time will be charged 50% of the lesson price.  This cancellation fee must be paid at or before the start of the next lesson.  We do understand weather is unpredictable and will take that into consideration in cases of cancellation.

  • A release form must be signed before the student is allowed to take the lesson.

  • Proper attire is required for lessons.  Students must wear long pants (jeans, breeches, jodphurs), proper footwear (cowboy boots, English boots, paddock boots, or riding tennis shoes - no open-toed footwear), and a T-shirt (no tank tops or spaghette straps) and/or warm clothing.  A helmet is required for all riders under the age of 18.  We will provide a helmet for your first lesson, but you will be required to purchase your own after that.

  • No gum chewing.

  • Riding lessons include use of our school horses, tack, and professional riding instruction.


Please fill out the following form, and bring it to your first lesson.



Body Clip ..............................................................  $150

Show Clip .............................................................  $50

  • Ears, muzzle, legs, bridle path

Mane Pull .............................................................  $35

Tail Braid .............................................................  $30

Bath ......................................................................  $30

Sheath Cleaning ...................................................  $30



Partial training (4 weeks)   ...................................  $425

    Includes 3 training sessions per week

Full training (4 weeks)   .......................................  $700

    Includes 5 training sessions per week

Training per ride ..................................................  $40

*Training prices do not include board.



If you are not ready to purchase your own horse, we offer a great leasing program to fit your budget.  Leasing is a wonderful way to have the commitment and responsibility of owning your own horse without a lifetime investment.  It also gives you the opportunity to try out different horses to ensure the best fit for your lifetime partner.  We highly recommend a lease first before purchasing a horse.  We require that the horse you lease be kept at Eagle View.  Here are the leasing options:

Full Lease ............................................................  $600

  • This includes full board.

  • The horse is 100% yours to love on and ride every day.

  • You are required to pay for vet, farrier, and worming costs.

Half Lease ...........................................................  $300

  • This includes full board.

  • The horse is half yours to love on and ride every day.  The other half is leased by another client or used in lessons on a regular basis.  We work around each other's schedules.  This equates to three rides per week.

  • You are required to pay for half of the vet, farrier, and worming costs.

One Hour Free Ride ..........................................  $30

  • Must be scheduled with your instructor to confirm the horse and time.  Please note this is only available to current students.

Please fill out the following form for your lease.


Blanketing ........................................................  $50/mo

Vet care will be assessed per incident.  This includes bandage changes, medicine administration, hand walking, etc.

You must be present for your farrier or vet.  If you are unable to meet them, a $10 charge will be assessed.

Hauling to/from shows is available and is subject to fuel prices, distance, and number of horses on the trailer.

If you do not board with us, you can pay a $20 facility fee for each horse/rider combination to use our facility.  You must sign a waiver and provide a current negative Coggins.  Please call Kim in advance at 316-573-9920 to confirm availability.  The waiver is below, and you can fill it out prior to coming.


He knows when you're happy
He knows when you're comfortable
He knows when you're confident
And he always knows when you have carrots.
~Author Unknown

“I can't believe my horse jumped that high!  That was so fun!”

“It is so peaceful and beautiful here!  I can't wait to enjoy my time with my horse at this beautiful facility!”

“Your hunter/jumper trainer is exceptional!  My daughter has learned so much!”


13030 East Stampede Street

Wichita, Kansas  67230

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